Electric Bike Sales and Service in the Tampa Area

How to Find the Right Electric Bike for You in the Tampa Area

find the right ebike in Tampa, FL
The Tampa area is a biker’s paradise with easy-to-ride flat terrain, gorgeous weather, and miles of bike paths. There’s no better way to experience Florida’s outdoor life than on an electric bike.

Let our Clearwater Electric Bike Store guide you when you want to find the right electric bike. To find your perfect match, answer these questions:

  • Will you be using your bike primarily as a commuter bike? Riding mainly in urban areas as a car/scooter alternative, not off-road.
  • Will you be riding a combination of urban and off-road or bike paths and need to find the right electric bike that does it all?
  • Will you be riding rough terrain/trails as you would on a traditional mountain bike?

After determining how you will use your e-bike, Clearwater e-bike store will guide you to find the right electric bike.

Understand the types of e-bikes

Commuter Bikes: meant for urban areas, light, easy to handle, most economical in price, heavier design for the rigors of daily use. Folding bikes fit into this category. They’re lighter, making getting on/off trains or carrying them into your apartment building easier. They’re not meant for off-road riding.

Mountain Bikes: These bikes are built for rough terrain, have better suspension, are heavy, versatile, and cost more than other types of electric bicycles.

Hybrid e-bikes: Clearwater e-bike store recommends these for a versatile, all-around bike that works well in urban areas and off-road. They are lighter than mountain bikes but aren’t good for rough terrain.

Electric Bike Class Description

The class of e-bike determines where you can ride your bike. Class Three bikes may not be allowed on bike paths. To understand Florida law on riding e-bikes, this guide should help. 

  • The First Class of E-bikes have a top speed of 20 mph with peddle assist. This means that the motor only works when the peddles are turning.
  • The Second Class of E-bikes have a top speed of 20 mph, a throttle, peddle assist, and you can move without pedaling.
  • The Third Class of E-bikes has a top speed of 28 mph, no throttle, and it’s peddle only. 

Types of Electric Bike Motors

Electric bikes have a hub or mid-drive motor.

Hub Motors are located in the middle of the front or back wheel. This motor type is ideal for riding flat roads for long periods. It’s important to note that this type of motor location will make it harder to change a flat.

The location of the motor on the rear tire will make you feel like you’re being pushed along. The front wheel motor feels like you’re being pulled, like the front wheel drive in a car.

Mid-drive motors are located in the middle of the bike between the pedals. Mid-drive bikes cost more, but their central position allows for more power and torque. The bike is more balanced and better for climbing hills.

All electric bikes are not created equal, so relying on a bike shop you can trust is important. Our Clearwater Electric Bike Store is your one-stop shop for everything e-bike. We carry state-of-the-art e-bikes and offer exceptional customer service.

Understanding fit, design, battery life and watts, motor power, and accessories all require knowledgeable staff so you make the right choice. Clearwater techs are up on the top next-generation riding experiences and can find the best bike for your specific needs.

Our top brands, Velotric and Jupiter, offer incredible craftsmanship, innovative design, style, performance, range, and power. 

Don’t forget service. Electric bikes require regular maintenance and parts. Our maintenance department goes above and beyond to provide service you can trust.

Let us help you find the perfect ride! Contact us today!

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